The Museum of Nikola Tesla

Date: 03-09-2020

teslin muzej

Thanks to its rich history and numerous cultural contents, Belgrade can boast of as many as thirty-seven museums, among which the most visited are the National Museum, the Ethnographic Museum, the Museum of Yugoslavia, the Car Museum, the Museum of applied art, and the Museum of illusions. The museum that attracts more and more attention from visitors every year, with more than 170.000 visitors in one year is the Nikola Tesla Museum

Tesla’s inventions and possessions

The museum was founded in the middle of the twentieth century, and its permanent display is consisted out of objects that represent the entire legacy of Nikola Tesla. The most valuable part of the exhibition is Nikola Tesla’s personal belongings, including correspondence with other famous scientists of the twentieth century, companies and relatives, but also Tesla’s original works, patents, patent documentation, plans, and drawings. The permanent exhibition of the museum is located on the ground floor and is divided into two parts. The first part centers on Tesla’s life, while the second part is dedicated to his scientific work and contains Tesla’s most significant inventions, as well as working models used for demonstration.

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Due to the size of the exhibition space, museum visitors can see only a part of one hundred and sixty thousand original documents, two thousand magazines and books, over fifteen hundred photographs, and more than a thousand plans and drawings. It is especially interesting to emphasize that the museum in Krunska no. 51 also owns items such as the bed and refrigerator from the room 3327 of New Yorker Hotel, where Tesla spent the last ten years of his life, but also an urn with the remains of the great genius. Among the items kept in the museum are shaving accessories, glasses, silk shirts, seventy-five ties, and more than forty pairs of gloves.

Museum of Nikola Tesla – ticket reservation

Through its website, the Nikola Tesla Museum also provides a virtual presentation with the help of which you will have the opportunity to visit Tesla’s laboratory on Long Island, but also inventions, calculations, plans, drawings, and laboratory notes that can be of special help to all people involved in scientific work.

The museum is open for visitors from Tuesday through Sunday from 12:00 to 17:00 PM. The ticket price is 250 RSD, with the entrance being free for children under the age of seven. You can make a reservation by calling the phone number 011/2433-886. The phone number is active from Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 3 pm.

muzej nikole tesle

Book a Sky apartment at Bulevar oslobođenja, Krušedolska or Svetozara Markovića street and by walk reach the Nikola Tesla Museum.